Scientific publications by Enrico SavazziThis is a list of my scientific publications. I have long since gotten rid of paper reprints of all my papers, so I don't have any to mail. I do not make electronic reprints available for download on this web site, but most of them are available for download on ResearchGate and Both web sites require registration and login, which is free. Good academic libraries should also have paper copies or online access to the large majority of these journals and books, so if you work at a large university or research institution, your local library should be your best bet. More information on my books is available here. 78 - Savazzi, E. 2017: When is a character functional? In: Cullum, A. & Martinius, A.W. (eds.): 52 more things you should know about palaeontology: 112-113. Agile Libre, Nova Scotia. 77 - Savazzi, E. 2017: Convergent and parallel evolution. In: Cullum, A. & Martinius, A.W. (eds.): 52 more things you should know about palaeontology: 32-33. Agile Libre, Nova Scotia. 76 - Savazzi, E. 2015: The Early Cambrian Eophyton toolmark and its producer. Paleontological Research 19: 61-75; Tokyo. 75 - Savazzi, E. 2014: Adaptive landscapes and genetic algorithms. In: Cullum, A. & Martinius, A.W. (eds.): 52 things you should know about palaeontology: 24-25. Agile Libre, Nova Scotia. 74 - Savazzi, E. 2014: Constructional morphology and morphodynamics. In: Cullum, A. & Martinius, A.W. (eds.): 52 things you should know about palaeontology: 38-39. Agile Libre, Nova Scotia. 73 - Savazzi, E. & Sasaki, T. 2013: Observations on land snail shells in near-ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared radiation. Journal of Molluscan Studies 79: 95-111; Oxford. doi: 10.1093/mollus/eys039 72 - Savazzi, E. 2012: A reassessment of the Lower Cambrian psammocoral Spatangopsis costata. Paleontological Research 16: 159-170; Tokyo. 71 - Savazzi, E. 2011: Construction and programming of an autonomous focus stacker. Computers & Geosciences 37: 1670-1676; New York. 70 - Savazzi, E. 2011: Digital photography for science: Close-up photography, macrophotography and photomacrography. 704 pp. Lulu Enterprises, Raleigh. ISBN 978-0-557-92537-7 (paperback) and ISBN 978-0-557-91133-2 (hardcover). 69 - Savazzi, E. 2007: A new reconstruction of Protolyellia (Early Cambrian psammocoral). In: Vickers-Rich, P. & Komarower, P. (eds): The Rise and Fall of the Ediacaran Biota. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 286: 339–353; London. 68 - Sälgeback, J. & Savazzi, E. 2006: Constructional morphology of cerithiform gastropods. Paleontological Research 10: 233-259; Tokyo. 67 - Savazzi, E. 2005: The function and evolution of lateral asymmetry in boring endolithic bivalves. Paleontological Research 9: 169-187; Tokyo. 66 - Savazzi, E. & Sälgeback, J. 2004: A comparison of morphological adaptations in the cardiid bivalves Cardium and Budmania. Paleontological Research 8: 221-239; Tokyo. 65 - Savazzi, E. & Sasaki, T. 2004: Function and construction of synchronised sculpture in gastropods. American Malacological Bulletin 18: 87-114. 64 - Savazzi, E. 2003: Function of terrace patterns in Stomatopoda (Crustacea) and Mantodea (Insecta). In: Sekimura, T., Noji, S., Ueno N. & Maini, P.K. (eds.): Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Biological Systems: Experiments and Models: 379-389. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 4-431-00644-3. 63 - Savazzi, E. 2003: Pattern formation and function in palaeobiology. In: Sekimura, T., Noji, S., Ueno N. & Maini, P.K. (eds.): Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Biological Systems: Experiments and Models: 329-343. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 4-431-00644-3. 62 - Savazzi, E. 2001: A review of symbiosis in bivalves, with special attention to macrosymbiosis. Paleontological Research 5, 55-73; Tokyo. 61 - Savazzi, E. 2001: Morphodynamics of an endolithic vermetid gastropod. Paleontological Research 5, 3-11; Tokyo. 60 - Savazzi, E. 2000: Morphodynamics of Bryopa and the evolution of clavagellids. In: Harper, E.M., Taylor, J.D. & Crame, J.A. (eds.) The evolutionary biology of the Bivalvia, Geological Society Special Publications 177, 313-327, London 59 - Reyment, A.R. & Savazzi, E. 1999: Aspects of multivariate statistical analysis in geology, i-ix, 1-285, CD-ROM; Elsevier, Amsterdam. 58 - Savazzi, E. 1999: Serpulid polychaetes. In: Savazzi, E. (ed.): Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, 601-607; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 57 - Savazzi, E. 1999: A few case-histories for cirripeds. In: Savazzi, E. (ed.): Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, 529-535; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 56 - Savazzi, E. 1999: Boring, nestling and tube-dwelling bivalves. In: Savazzi, E. (ed.): Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, 205-237; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 55 - Savazzi, E. 1999: Cemented and embedded gastropods. In: Savazzi, E. (ed.): Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, 183-195; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 54 - Savazzi, E. 1999: Soft-bottom dwellers and the Leaning Tower of Pisa: adaptive exploitation of unstable life positions. In: Savazzi, E. (ed.): Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, 123-128; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 53 - Savazzi, E. 1999: A few techniques for observing and documenting behaviour and morphology. In: Savazzi, E. (ed.): Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, 105-121; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 52 - Savazzi, E. 1999: Computational modelling of flattening, shear distortion and disarticulation. In: Savazzi, E. (ed.): Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, 101-104; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 51 - Savazzi, E. 1999: Three-dimensional accretional colour patterns. In: Savazzi, E. (ed.): Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, 57-63; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 50 - Savazzi, E. 1999: Introduction to functional morphology. In: Savazzi, E. (ed.): Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, 3-13; John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. (see the full table of contents here) 49 - Savazzi, E. 1998: Constructional morphology of the bivalve Pedum. In: Johnston, P.A. and Haggart, J.W. (eds.): Bivalves: an Eon of evolution. Paleobiological studies honoring Norman D. Newell, 413-421. University of Calgary Press, Calgary, Canada. 48 - Savazzi, E. 1998: The colour patterns of cypraeid gastropods. Lethaia 31, 15-27; Oslo. 47 - Savazzi, E. 1996: Algorithms for converting photographs of fossils to ink drawings. Computers & Geosciences 22, 1159-1173; New York. 46 - Savazzi, E. 1996: Preserved ligament in the Jurassic bivalve Lithiotis: adaptive and evolutionary significance. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 120, 281-289; Amsterdam. 45 - Savazzi, E. 1996: Adaptations of vermetid and siliquariid gastropods. Palaeontology 39, 157-177; London. 44 - Savazzi, E. 1995: Parasite-induced teratologies in the Pliocene bivalve Isognomon maxillatus. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 116, 131-139; Amsterdam. 43 - Savazzi, E. 1995: Morphology and mode of life of the polychaete Rotularia. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 69, 73-85; Stuttgart. 42 - Savazzi, E. 1995: Theoretical shell morphology as a tool in constructional morphology. In: Aigner, T., Fürsich, F., Lutherbacher, H.-P., Mosbrugger, V., Reif, W.-E. & Westphal, F. (eds.): Festschrift A. Seilacher, Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 195 (1-3), 229-240; Stuttgart. 41 - Savazzi, E. & Pan, H. 1994: Experiments on the frictional properties of terrace sculptures. Lethaia 27, 325-336; Oslo. 40 - Savazzi, E. 1994: Adaptations to burrowing in a few Recent gastropods. Historical Biology 7, 291-311; London 39 - Savazzi, E. 1994: Functional morphology of burrowing and boring organisms. In: Donovan, S.K. (ed.): The palaeobiology of trace fossils, 43-82; Wiley & Sons, London. 38 - Savazzi, E. 1993: C++ classes for theoretical shell morphology. Computers & Geosciences 19, 931-964; New York. 37 - Savazzi, E. 1992: Shell construction, life habits and evolution in the gastropod Velates. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 99, 349-360; Amsterdam. 36 - Savazzi, E. & Yao, P. 1992: Some morphological adaptations in freshwater bivalves. Lethaia 25, 195-209; Oslo. 35 - Savazzi, E. 1991: Constructional morphology of strombid gastropods. Lethaia 24, 311-331; Oslo. 34 - Savazzi, E. 1991: Burrowing sculptures as an example in functional morphology. Terra Nova 3, 242-250; Portsmouth. 33 - Savazzi, E. 1991: Burrowing in the inarticulate brachiopod Lingula anatina. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 85, 101-106; Amsterdam. 32 - Savazzi, E. 1990: Biological aspects of theoretical shell morphology. Lethaia 23, 195-212; Oslo. 31 - Savazzi E. 1990: Shell biomechanics in the bivalve Laternula. Lethaia 23, 93-101; Oslo. 30 - Savazzi E. 1990: Theoretical morphology of shells aided by microcomputers. In: Hanley, J.T. & Merriam, D. (eds.): Microcomputer applications in geology, Volume 2, 229-240; Pergamon Press, New York. 29 - Savazzi E. 1990: C programs for displaying shaded three-dimensional objects on a PC. Computers & Geosciences 16, 195-209; New York. 28 - Savazzi E. & Reyment, R.A. 1989: Subaerial hunting behaviour in Natica gualteriana (naticid gastropod). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 74, 355-364; Amsterdam. 27 - Savazzi E. 1989: Shell torsion and life habit in the Recent mytilid bivalve Modiolus philippinarum. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 72, 277-282; Amsterdam. 26 - Savazzi E. 1989: New observations on burrowing in strombid gastropods. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie A (Biologie) 434, 1-10; Stuttgart. 25 - Savazzi E. 1989: Burrowing mechanisms and sculptures in Recent gastropods. Lethaia 22, 31-48; Oslo. 24 - Savazzi E. 1989: Orthaulax dainellii sp. n. (Gastropoda, Strombidae) from the Lower Eocene of NE Italy. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 1989, 30-36; Stuttgart. 23 - Savazzi E. 1988: Taxonomic revision of Mauryna bellardi and Chedevillia begiati (strombid gastropods) from the Middle Eocene of NE Italy. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 62, 255-264; Stuttgart. 22 - Savazzi E. 1988: Burrowing behavior in Recent Indo-Pacific strombid gastropods. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 1988, 415-430; Stuttgart. 21 - Savazzi E. 1987: Geometric and functional constraints on bivalve shell morphology. Lethaia 20, 293-306; Oslo. 20 - Savazzi E. 1986: Burrowing sculptures and life habits in Paleozoic lingulacean brachiopods. Paleobiology 12, 46-63; Chicago. 19 - Savazzi E. 1985: Adaptive themes in cardiid bivalves. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 170, 291-321; Stuttgart. 18 - Savazzi E. 1985: SHELLGEN, a BASIC computer program for the modeling of molluscan shell growth and morphogenesis. Computers & Geosciences 11, 521-530; New York. 17 - Savazzi E. 1985: Functional morphology of the cuticular terraces in burrowing terrestrial brachyuran decapods. Lethaia 18, 147-154; Oslo. 16 - Piccoli G. & Savazzi E. 1984: Five shallow benthic faunas from the Upper Eocene (Baron, France; Priabona, Italy; Garoowe, Somalia; Nanggulan, Java; Takashima, Japan). Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana 22, 31-47; Milano. 15 - Savazzi E. 1984: Constructional morphology of cardiid bivalves: an overview. Bollettino della Societ Paleontologica Italiana 22, 87-91; Milano. 14 - Savazzi E. 1984: Functional morphology and autecology of Pseudoptera (bakevelliid bivalves, Upper Cretaceous of Portugal). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 46, 313-324; Amsterdam. 13 - Savazzi E. 1984: Adaptive significance of shell torsion in mytilid bivalves. Palaeontology 27, 307-314; London. 12 - Savazzi E. 1983: Aspects of the functional morphology of fossil and living invertebrates (bivalves and decapods). Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis - Abstracts of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science 680, 1-21; Uppsala. 11 - Chinzei K., Savazzi E. & Seilacher A. 1982: Adaptational strategies of bivalves living as infaunal secondary soft bottom dwellers. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 164, 229-244; Stuttgart. 10 - Savazzi E., Jefferies R.P.S. & Signor P.W. III 1982: Modification of the paradigm for burrowing ribs in various gastropods, crustaceans and calcichordates. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 164, 206-217; Stuttgart. 9 - Savazzi E. 1982: Commensalism between a boring mytilid bivalve and a soft bottom coral in the Upper Eocene of northern Italy. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 56, 165-175; Stuttgart. 8 - Savazzi E. 1982: Clavagellacea (Bivalvia) from the Tertiary of the Venetian region, NE Italy. Acta Geologica Polonica 32, 83-92; Warsaw. 7 - Savazzi E. 1982: Adaptations to tube dwelling in the Bivalvia. Lethaia 15, 275-297; Oslo. 6 - Savazzi E. 1982: Burrowing habits and cuticular sculptures in Recent sand-dwelling brachyuran decapods from the Northern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 163, 369-388. 5 - Savazzi E. 1982: Shell sculpture and burrowing in the bivalves Scapharca inaequivalvis and Acanthocardia tuberculata. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie A (Biologie) 353, 1-12; Stuttgart. 4 - Savazzi E. 1981: Functional morphology of the cuticular terraces in Ranina (Lophoranina) (brachyuran decapods; Eocene of NE Italy). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 162, 231-243; Stuttgart. 3 - Savazzi E. 1981: Barbatia mytiloides and the evolution of shell torsion in arcid pelecypods. Lethaia 14, 143-150. Oslo. 2 - Massari F. & Savazzi E. 1981: Driftwood transportation of exotic pebbles in the Upper Cretaceous Scaglia Rossa veneta (Mt. Loffa, Southern Alps) suggested by teredinid tubes. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Monatshefte 1981, 311-320; Stuttgart. 1 - Savazzi E. 1980: New records of fossil Gastrochaenacea (Pelecypoda) from the Venetian Region (NE Italy). Memorie di Scienze Geologiche 34, 177-182; Padova. |