Books by Enrico SavazziThis section of my web site contains information about my books. The list of my scientific publications (journal articles and individual book chapters) is on a separate page. Digital photography for science: Close-up photography, macrophotography and photomacrography, by Enrico Savazzi, 2011![]() 704 pages. ISBN 978-0557925377 (paperback), ISBN 978-0557911332 (hardcover). Lulu Enterprises, Raleigh. Follow this link for more information and downloads of additional materials. Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, edited by Enrico Savazzi, 1999![]() Functional morphology studies the relationships between the form and function of an organism, seen in an adaptive and evolutionary context. This book deals with the functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton, and concentrates on the taxonomic groups that are of greatest interest to the palaeontologist. Coverage of a broad variety of fossil as well as living invertebrates is included. Each group is treated by a specialist, providing a thorough and up-to-date review of the field. In addition to this general treatment, several short sections deal with tropical and detailed observations that are seldom covered in a general text. the book also contains extensive coverage of theoretical experimental and practical aspects of research in functional morphology including field and laboratory techniques, computer modelling and even illustration techniques. Functional morphology of the invertebrate skeleton provides a thorough introduction and overview of the subject for the professional palaeontologist and biologist. It is sufficiently generic and comprehensive to be used as a student textbook and its up-to-date coverage of the latest research constitutes a much needed shelf reference and modern review of the field. Authors: K. Abe, R.R. Alexander, M.V. Angel, G. Becker, P.C.J. Donoghue, S.K. Donovan, P. Doyle, R.A. Fortey, Y. Fukuda, D.J. Gower, Y.-P. Gunji, R.A. Hewitt, I. Hinz-Schallreuter, K. Ito, A.J. Kohn, M. Kontrovitz, Y. Kusunoki, G.R. McGhee Jr., K.G. McKenzie, A. Minelli, R.M. Owens, A.R. Parker, C.R.C. Paul, Chen P., M.A. Purnell, R.A. Reyment, B. Rickards, S. Rigby, E. Savazzi, R.E.L. Schallreuter, F.R. Schram, F. Shinozaki, K.M. Swanson, K. Tanabe, P.D. Taylor, R.S. Taylor, C.J. Tsujita, J.F.V. Vincent, G.E.G. Westermann, E.L. Yochelson, G.A. Young. 706 pages. ISBN 978-0471977766. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester. Aspects of multivariate statistical analysis in geology, by Richard A. Reyment and Enrico Savazzi, 1999![]() From Elsevier catalog: "This book presents multivariate statistical methods useful in geological analysis. The essential distinction between multivariate analysis as applied to full-space data (measurements on lengths, heights, breadths etc.) and compositional data is emphasized with particular reference to geochemical data. Each of the methods is accompanied by a practically oriented computer program and backed up by appropriate examples. The computer programs are provided on a compact disk together with trial data-sets and examples of the output. An important feature of this book is the graphical system developed by Dr. Savazzi which is entitled "Graph Server". Geological data often deviate from ideal statistical requirements. For this reason, close attention has been paid to the analysis of data that contain atypical observations." 250 pages and CD-ROM. ISBN 978-0444504128. Elsevier, Amsterdam. |