My Olympus E-M1 Mysets

Mysets are sets of camera settings that can be stored on Olympus system cameras, and then activated in a number of ways. Since there is currently no way to backup Mysets or current settings to a memory card or connected computer, the only way to save Mysets is by writing down the settings they contain.

I compiled the following text as a documentation of the Mysets I use on my E-M1. It is written as a procedure for restoring Mysets after resetting the camera (which may be done intentionally by the camera user, or automatically, e.g. when updating the firmware). For this reason, it does not contain settings that don't need to be changed from their default values (unless the list contains errors in this sense). In addition to Mysets, this text also contains reminders of a few useful settings and procedures, in case I happen to need to use them in the field.

Formatting of this list may look a little odd, since it was imported from a Word document and the conversion to HTML is not entirely quirk-free.


To use the SCP, in LV mode press the OK button. If the SCP is not displayed, press Info until it is.
With SCP displayed, press OK or touch it to activate it.
You don't need to navigate into each SCP submenu to change a setting. Just highlight the setting’s rectangle in SCP, and use the dials to change its value.

MySet functions

Myset 1: normal hand-held shooting in A mode
             To activate, turn Mode Dial to A
Myset 2: tripod shooting in A mode
             To activate, turn Mode Dial to SCN
Myset 3: Studio flash shooting in M mode
             To activate, turn Mode Dial to ART
Myset 4: Photom(i/a)crography in A mode with 2 s shutter delay
             To activate, turn Mode Dial to iAuto

Good to remember

Shooting Menu 1, Reset/Myset, select Myset X (not right arrow), OK, Yes, OK
             Activates the settings stored in Myset X.

Menu, Info
             Temporarily activates the Menu Explanation Overlays.
             Hit Info again to disable the Menu Explanation Overlays.

Press and hold the button next to the viewfinder, On/Off, OK
             Turns On/Off proximity sensor of viewfinder.

Tilt the LCD screen
             Turns off the EVFuntil the screen is placed back flush.


Myset 1-4 button functions

Fn1: Magnifier

Fn2: Home AF area

Rec: Rec


Front concave button: Peaking

Front convex button: stop down

Four arrows:  Move AF area

L-FN: Stop AF

Myset 1-4 lever function


Front dial function

Rear dial function

Lever position 1 (up)

Lens aperture

Exp. compensation

Lever position 2 (dn)



Set up Myset 1

(normal hand-held shooting, A mode)

Turn Mode Dial to A
Set lens aperture to 5.6

Menu, Wrench, Gear/Accessory Port Menu Display, Gear Menu Display, On, OK
Menu, Wrench, Gear/Accessory Port Menu Display, Accessory Port Menu Display, Off, OK
             Enables the Gear menu and disables the Accessory Port menu.

Menu, Shooting Menu 1, [flashlight icon] Image Quality, Still Picture, LS, OK
             Sets Superfine JPG quality in Large (max resolution) picture size.

Menu, Shooting Menu 2, Image Stabilizer, Still Picture, S-IS 1, OK
Menu, Shooting Menu 2, Image Stabilizer, Movie, M-IS On, OK
             Turns IS On for still and movie shooting. Can switch IS to Auto in SCP for mixed handheld/tripod shooting or Off for tripod shooting.

Menu, Shooting Menu 2, RC Mode, On
             Switches on RC mode for mini flash.
Exit the menu system, then OK and if necessary Info one or more times to display the Flash quick screen. Select Group A, TTL.
             Sets the RC flash to control Group A in TTL mode.

Menu, Shooting Menu 2, [top menu item], Burst L
Menu, Gear, C, L fps, 3, OK
             Sets Burst L speed and 3 fps speed in this mode (to give AF a chance). With IS on in burst mode, 3.5 fps is the limit anyway.

Menu, Gear, A, AF Mode
Still Picture: C-AF
Movie: C-AF
             Sets continuous AF, no AF tracking.

Menu, Gear, A, […] Set Home, 3x3, Center
             Sets 3x3 areas matrix home position.

Menu, Gear, A, MF Assist, On
             Switches on enlarger/peaking when the focus ring is turned
Menu, Gear, A, […] Set Home, [set the 3x3 array to center]
             Sets the […] Home position

Menu, Gear A, AF Area Pointer, On
             Displays a green AF area in position where AF is established.

Menu, Gear, A, C-AF Lock, Low
             Locks AF for a short time if AF lock is lost. Set to Off to immediately try and reacquire AF. Set to Medium or High to keep AF locked for a longer time.

Menu, Gear, A, AF Illuminat., Off
             Switches off the AF illuminator LED.

Menu, Gear, C, Rls Priority C, Off
             In Continuous AF, disable shooting when out of focus.
Menu, Gear, C, Rls Priority S, Off
             In Single AF, disable shooting when out of focus.

Menu, Gear, C, [burst] L fps, 3
             Sets 3 fps in burst L mode.

Menu, Gear, C, [Burst] + IS Off, Off
             Enables continuous IS when shooting bursts. The icon for [Burst] is multiple overlapping rectangles. The maximum burst frame-rate in L burst mode drops from 6.5 fps to 3.5 fps when IS is enabled.

Menu, Gear, C, Half Way Rls With IS, On
Turns IS on at shutter half-press.

Menu, Gear, D, Control Settings, P/A/S/M.
Live SCP: On.
Live Control: Off.
Live Guide: Off.
Art Menu: Off.
Scene Menu: Off.
             Do this for A mode.

Menu, Gear, B, Button/Dial/Lever, Button Function.
Assign the following functions to the buttons:




Front concave button



[…] Set Home


Front convex button

Iris Stop down




Four arrows

[…] Move




B Fn1



Stop AF


B Fn2

[…] Set Home

Menu, Gear, B, Button/Dial/Lever, Lever Function, Mode 1, OK
             Sets the function of Lever position 2:


Front dial function

Rear dial function

Lever position 1 (up)

Lens aperture

Exp. Compensation

Lever position 2 (dn)



Menu, Gear, D, Info Settings.
set Image Only
set Overall
set histogram
set Highlight & Shadow
set histogram
set Image Only
set Level Gauge
checkerboard Settings:
set 25
set Calendar
             Sets the type of information visible in LV and playback.

Menu, Gear, D, Live View Boost, On
             Compensates for dark LV image.
             Turn off to see the effect of exposure compensation in LV.

Menu, Gear, D, LV Close Up Mode, Mode 2
             Combines magnified LV with IS.

Menu, Gear, E, EV Step, ½
             Sets ½ EV steps in exposure adjustment.

Menu, Gear, E, Noise Reduct., Auto
             Noise reduction is used when necessary.

Menu, Gear, E, ISO Step, 1/3
             Sets ISO in 1/3 EV steps.

Menu, Gear, E, ISO-Auto Set.
High Limit:      1600
             Sets the maximum ISO available in Auto ISO.
Default:           200

Menu, Gear, E, Anti-Shock, 0s, OK
E-M1:  Off  (Set to zero for EFC if  t <= 1/320)
E-M5:  Off
             Sets the type of Anti-Shock. To activate, select Anti-Shock in drive mode in the SCP.

Menu, Gear, G, "flashlight" Set [first menu item],second box from left, LF, OK
             Sets Fine JPG quality in Large image size.

Menu, Gear, G, Keep Warm Color, Off, OK
Switches off warm coloring.

Menu, Gear, G, Shading Comp., On
             Switches on vignetting correction.

Menu, Gear, H, Copyright Settings
Copyright Info:          On
Artist Name:               Enrico Savazzi
Copyright Name:        Enrico Savazzi

Menu,  Gear, J, Info Settings, tick all
             Displays histogram, Highlight/Shadow, Level Gauge, Basic information in EFV/LCD.

Menu, Gear, J, EFV Auto Switch, On.
             Activates EVF proximity sensor.
Menu, Gear, J, EVF Auto Adjust, EVF Auto Luminance, On
             Sets EVF to adjust luminance.

Menu, Wrench, Rec View, OFF
             Turns off the image review (for faster LV without interruptions).

SCP, WB, Auto
             Sets auto white balance.

Shooting Menu 1, Reset/Myset, Myset1, right arrow, Set, OK
             Stores the settings described above into Myset 1.

Menu, Gear, B, Button/Dial/Lever, Mode Dial Function, Myset 1, right arrow, A, OK
             Assigns Myset 1 to A position of the Mode Dial.

Set up Myset 2

(tripod shooting, A mode)

Shooting Menu 1, Reset/Myset, Myset 1, OK, Yes, OK
             Activates Myset 1 as a starting point for Myset 2.

Shooting Menu 2, Image Stabilizer, Still Picture, Off
             Turns IS off.

Shooting Menu 1, Reset/Myset, Myset2, right arrow, Set, OK
             Stores the settings described above into Myset 2.

Menu, Gear, B, Button/Dial/Lever, Mode Dial Function, Myset 2, right arrow, SCN, OK
             Assigns Myset 2 to SCN position of the Mode Dial.

Set up Myset 3

(studio flash shooting, M mode)

Shooting Menu 1, Reset/Myset, Myset 1, OK, Yes, OK
             Activates Myset 1 as a starting point for Myset 3.

Set exposure time (rear dial) to 1/250 or 1/125.

Set WB in SCP to Flash

Shooting Menu 1, Reset/Myset, Myset 3, right arrow, Set, OK
             Stores the settings described above into Myset 3.

Menu, Gear, B, Button/Dial/Lever, Mode Dial Function, Myset 3, right arrow, ART, OK
             Assigns Myset 3 to ART position of Mode Dial.

Set up Myset 4

(photomicrography with 2s shutter delay, A mode)

Shooting Menu 1, Reset/Myset, Myset 1, OK, Yes, OK
             Activates Myset 1 as a starting point for Myset 4.

In SCP, set WB to Auto, or Flash if shooting with electronic flash

Shooting Menu 2, Image Stabilizer, Still Picture, S-IS, Off
Shooting Menu 2, Image Stabilizer, Movie, M-IS, Off
             Switches IS off in still and movie shooting.

Menu, Gear, E, Anti-Shock, 2 s, OK
             Activates Anti-Shock in drive mode in the SCP.

Menu, Gear, A, AF Mode
Still Picture: MF
Movie: MF
             Sets manual focus in still picture and movie modes.

Shooting Menu 1, Reset/Myset, Myset4, right arrow, Set, OK
             Stores the settings described above into Myset 4.

Menu, Gear, B, Mode Dial Function, Myset 4, right arrow, iAuto, OK
             Assigns Myset 4 to iAUTO position of Mode Dial.

Set up WiFi remote control on E-M1 and phone (E-M1 only)

Look for Olympus Image Share (O.I. Share) on app store and install it on phone.
Menu, Playback, Connection to Smartphone
Scan the barcode with phone.

Turn on WiFi and start remote control mode on E-M1

Playback button, WiFi on-screen button.

End remote control mode on E-M1

Menu button

Turn off WiFi in settings on E-M1

Setup Menu, WiFi Settings, Off

Faster viewfinder and autofocus

Menu, Gear, J, Frame Rate, High
Higher refresh rate. Uses more energy. Set to Normal in poor light.

Display the number of shutter actuations

  1. Start with the camera off.
  2. Hold down the Menu button and turn the camera on.
  3. Release the Menu button.
  4. Press the Menu button again to display the menu.
  5. Wrench, LCD Brightness (third item from the top), press Right Arrow to show the adjustment sliders.
  6. Press INFO and then OK. The model name and a few numbers are displayed.
  7. Press the following buttons in the exact order:
    Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, Right Arrow, Shutter Release, Up Arrow
  8. Page 1 of the service (“hidden”) menu is displayed.
  9. Press Right Arrow to display page 2. Items on this page:
    R nnnnnn (total shutter actuation count)
    S nnnnnn (actuation count with flash)
    C 000000

U nnnnnn (ultrasonic wave sensor cleaner count)
V 000000
B nnnnnn (shutter actuations with IS count)
L 000000

  1. Switch camera off to exit diagnostic mode.

Navigation to access other pages of the service menu:
Up Arrow for Page 1
Right Arrow for page 2
Down Arrow for page 3
Left Arrow for Page 4

Set up Time-Lapse

Menu, Shooting Menu 2, Time lapse settings, right arrow
             Displays the time lapse settings.
             The number of shots
Start Waiting time:
             Time interval before the sequence starts
Interval time: 
             The amount of time between shots
time-lapse movie:
             Creates a movie from the image sequence.
             Saves sequence as separate still shots.

Menu, Shooting Menu 2, Time lapse settings, OK
             Activates the settings. Press the shutter release to start the sequence.

Controls available during the sequence

             Cancels the time sequence.


             HDR modes 1 and 2 combine shots in-camera. Limited to 1-4 s or faster exposures. Limited to 120 ISO. Not available in WiFi remote control.

HDR button, HDR 1
             Moderate HDR effect.
HDR button, HDR 2
             Stronger HDR effect, higher risk of haloes.

             Use bracketing to combine shots in post-processing.

Manually change lens FL for IS

OK button (+ Info button if necessary)
             Displays SCP
             Activates IS in SCP
             Activates FL list
Up/Down arrow
             Selects FL
Sets the chosen FL

Phase/Contrast Detection AF (E-M1 only)

Micro 4/3 lenses:
             Phase + Contrast Detection in C-AF. Falls back to Contrast Detection in poor light.
             Contrast Detection only in S-AF.
4/3 lenses:
             Phase Detection AF only.